昶茂微生物開發股份有限公司 -- 土壤污染之調查、整治及復育研討會

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研討會 土壤污染之調查、整治及復育研討會
主講人 林大發 博士
題目 廢棄油脂資源化技術之開發—污染從源頭減量使土壤及河川自然淨化



1 林大發*、2 郭基發、3 楊秋忠、4 陳仁炫、5 林晉卿、6 江汶錦


1、2. 昶茂微生物開發(股)公司。
3、4. 國立中興大學土壤環境科學系。
5、6. 台南區農業改良場

The technological development of fat, oil and grease (FOG) on kitchen waste composting

Ta-Fa Lin1* Chi-Fa Kuo2 Chiu-Chung Young3 Jen-Hshuan Chen4 Chin-Ching Lin5 Wen-Jin Jiang6
In Taiwan, the wastewater of kitchen flows down into the sewage treatment system. Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are collected in the grease interceptors. The FOG amount of restaurants is about 300,000 tons every year. The FOG is treated by bury or incinerates. However the processing cost of bury or incinerates is too high, the FOG is poured into soil or river. Our company, Ministry of Economic Affairs technique SBIR and Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station cooperate and carry on the plan- the FOG transform into compost by microbe technique. This study integrates the way of microbe, bio-nutrients and organic formula to create good living environment for transforming FOG into compost. The product of primary fermentation is applied to wastewater treatment and the FOG is emulsified and reduced. The product of secondary fermentation is applied to plant melons and the melons are growing well. We successfully develop the technique of the FOG processing by microbe and solve the FOG pollution of soil and river.

Keywords: Fat, Oil, Grease, FOG, Clog, Microbe, Bacteria, Transform, Kitchen waste, Compost, Fermentation, Emulsify.

1, 2. Chang Mao Microorganism Development Co., LTD.
2, 3. Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan 40227
4, 5. Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station.
* Corresponding author, E-mail: Bio999@mail2000.com.tw



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